Course description

: Petrel is a software platform used in the exploration and production sector of the petroleum industry. It enables the user to interpret seismic data, perform well correlation, build reservoir models, visualize reservoir simulation results, calculate volumes, produce maps and design development strategies to maximize reservoir exploitation.

Petrel allows you to interpret and analyze seismic data, incorporate and interpret well logs and petrophysics, build geological models, build and run simulation models and incorporate production data.

The Petrel E&P software platform provides a full range of tools to solve the most complex structural and stratigraphic challenges—from regional exploration to reservoir development. Within a single environment, geoscientists can perform the key geological workflows from stratigraphic and seismic interpretation through fracture, facies, and geo-cellular property modeling to history matching and production simulation.

What will i learn?

  • • Creating New Projects and Importing SEGY Data then Converting SEGY Trace Data to ZGY Bricked Data Using Structural and Complex Attributes to Condition Data for Interpretation
  • • Comprehensive Petrel 3D Seismic Interpretation Methods for Beginners
  • • How to Effectively Create and Edit Fault Network and Horizon Interpretations
  • • Best Practices and Tips & Tricks to Improve Interpretation Efficiency in Petrel also Create, edit, and export Fault and Horizon Interpretation Objects


  • This course is meant for Diploma holders, Graduates, Post graduates and Engineers. The candidate must possess an understanding of basic structural geology and geophysical principles. The candidate must possess the willingness to learn.




Skill level


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